Manjaro Deepin 16.03 Screenshots

Screenshots of Manjaro Deepin 16.03 released on 2nd march of 2016. Manjaro deepin is a community spin of Manjaro featuring deepin desktop.

While the exciting modern China based project Deepin is still young and not yet completely bugfree, it has certainly evolved quite impressively during the last few months and become a reliable desktop environment to be used on an every day basis. For the Manjaro release many packages have been adjusted and customized in close cooperation with Arch-Deepin and Linuxdeepin to make the desktop experience as smooth and responsive as is expected from an Arch-based environment. Manjaro Deepin 16.03 runs the latest state of development of the Deepin project, adding our well tried and tested in-house tools like Manjaro Settings Manager and of course package management with Pamac and Pacman for the best possible rolling release experience. - Release announcement.

Welcome screen
Welcome screen

Initial configuration menu
Initial configuration menu

Boot screen
Manjaro deepin boot screen

Login window
Login window

First time welcome message
First time welcome message

Full screen application launcher
Application launcher

Nautilus file manager
Nautilus file manager

Deepin Terminal
Deepin terminal

Chromium web browser
Chromium web browser

Deepin movie player
Deepin movie player

Deepin music player
Deepin music

Control center
Control center

Multitasking overview
Multi tasking overview

Pacmac package manager
Pacmac file manager

Leave options
Leave options

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