Rebellin Linux v3 GNOME screenshots

Distribution Name Rebellin Linux
Version v3
Base Debian
Desktop Environment GNOME
Release date 9th April 2016
Home page
Packages Linux Kernel, GNOME 3.20, Terminator 0.98, VLC 2.2.2, Firefox 46.0, LibreOffice ..etc

Rebellin Linux v3 Preview
Rebellin Linux v3 preview
Rebellin Linux is a fast, reliable, beautiful GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian sid. Rebellin Linux comes with latest collection of several software packages including GNOME 3.20, MATE 1.12, Linux Kernel 4.5 ..etc.

Rebellin Linux mainly comes in two flavors, GNOME flavor and MATE flavor. However, any of these does n't stick with vanilla flavors if user experience can be made better by other choices. For instance, these distributions use VLC media player instead of GNOME Videos(aka Totem Movie Player) and GNOME flavor use terminator instead of GNOME Terminal. - OpenSourceFeed
Live CD boot menu
Live CD boot menu

LightDM Login screen
LightDM Login Window
Rebellin GNOME Desktop - First impression
Rebellin GNOME Desktop - First impression

Full screen application menu
Full screen application menu

Traditional application menu
Traditional application menu

Multitasking overview
Multitasking overview

Window switching
Window switching

Nautilus file manager
Nautilus file manager
Terminator - Terminal emulator
Terminator - Terminal emulator

Mozilla firefox web browser
Mozilla Firefox web browser

LibreOffice writer
Libreoffice writer

VLC Media Player
VLC Media Player

Rhythmbox Music Player
Rhytmbox Music Player

Synaptic package manager
Synaptic package manager
System Settings
System Settings

System Menu
System Menu

Power off confirmation
Power off confirmation

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