Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak screenshots

Distribution Name Ubuntu
Version 16.10
Code name Yakkety Yak
Release date 13th October 2016
Base Debian
Desktop Environment Unity
Home page http://www.ubuntu.com
Packages Linux Kernel 4.4.0, Epiphany 3.18.5, Files, Terminal 0.4, Videos 0.4, Music 0.4, GNOME Components 3.18.x, Mail 1.0.1 ..etc
Ubuntu 16.10 Preview
Ubuntu 16.10 Yaketty Yak, the regular 6 monthly release of Ubuntu was released on 13th October 2016. This release includes improved support for hybrid cloud operations with Juju 2.0. For a desktop user/developer a notable highlight is availability of Unity 8 developer preview, which is an attempt of Canonical to provide a unified user experience across different devices like mobiles, tablets and desktops. Other highlights includes improved support for snap packages, OpenStack newton with secure bare metal performance and containers, performance improvement in network, latency and virtualization ..etc.
For more details, you may see release announcement in Ubuntu Insights.

Loading Ubuntu 16.10 - Plymouth screen

Ubuntu Login screen

Support for newbies. List of keyboard shortcuts available in Unity desktop

Unity Desktop on Ubuntu 16.10 - First impression

About Ubuntu 16.10 - System Details

Unity Launcher

Nautilus file manager

GNOME Terminal

Firefox Web browser

Movie Player (aka Totem)

Rhythmbox Music Player

Thunderbird Mail client

LibreOffice Writer

Ubuntu Software (GNOME Software under the hood)

System Settings

Appearance Settings

Resource Usage Monitor (GNOME System Monitor)

System Menu

Shutdown or Restart ? Shutdown confirmation

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