Ubuntu Budgie 17.10 Artful Aardvark screenshot

Ubuntu Budgie 17.10 Artful Aardvark is the second release of Ubuntu Budgie, an official community flavor of Ubuntu featuring stunning budgie desktop. It comes with GNOME stack 3.26.x and budgie desktop 10.4. On top of vanilla budgie desktop, Ubuntu Budgie brings a decent amount of customizations to make it more appealing to the end users. It includes beautiful Arc theme, a nice collection of wallpapers, applets, plank dock and budgie welcome - an easy customization app for budgie desktop.
A preview of Ubuntu Budgie 17.10 Artful Aardvark

Distribution Name Ubuntu Budgie
Version 17.10
Code name Artful Aardvark
Release Date 20th October 2017
Desktop Environment Budgie Desktop

Budgie Welcome - An app developed by Ubuntu Budgie team to introduce operating system to users and show their way around. On live session, it will be launched with an install now button which will launch OS installer.

First time when desktop is loaded after installation, budgie welcome will opened with a Getting Started, window. It includes various post installation options like checking system specifications, updating system, installing drivers, extra plugins and additional browsers.

Budgie Welcome showcasing various features of Ubuntu Budgie operating system.

Budgie Welcome showing system specifications.

First impression of Ubuntu Budgie 17.10 Artful Aardvark desktop. It includes a top panel and left dock. The default wallpaper is not changed in between releases.

Budgie application menu. It is enabled to show application in configurations. Alternatively, it can be customized to be a minimal menu without any categories.

Nautilus file manager. It is looking nice with Arc dark theme and Pocillo icon theme

Instead of bringing in GNOME Terminal from GNOME Apps, Ubuntu Budgie uses Tilix as default terminal emulator.

Alt + Tab window switching. This UI component was introduced in one of the recent release of budgie desktop

Chromium is default browser in Ubuntu Budgie. Other popular browsers like Firefox, Google Chrome, Vivaldi and Opera can be installed from browser ballot section of Budgie Welcome

GNOME MPV - Default Video Player

Rhythmbox Music Player

LibreOffice Writer

GNOME Weather App


GNOME Calendar

Redesigned GNOME Control Center introduced in GNOME 3.26 release

About Ubuntu Budgie(?). Well, they're yet to implement proper description for Ubuntu Budgie.

Background selection

gThumb Image Viewer

Resource usage at idle state - GNOME System Monitor

GNOME Software - Due to some unknown errors, it fails to load category wised listing of applications.

The Night Light Applet which can be enabled to adjust colors to work on night time.

Places applet for budgie desktop

Raven Applets. In a recent release of budgie desktop, configuration options from Raven were moved to an independent settings app.

User Indicator Menu

Poweroff confirmation

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