MX Linux 17.0 screenshots

MX-17 is a stable release of Debian based midweight GNU/Linux distribution that adopts best practices from antiX and former MEPIS. It follows conventions established by these distributions and brings a unique user experience with various tools & applications. Let's have a quick tour through various screens of MX 17.0.

MX Linux 17.0 Desktop - First impression. In addition vertical panel, it also includes a beautiful wallpaper and Conky plugin which displays time, date & various system resource usages.

Distribution Name MX Linux
Version 17.0
Code name NA
Base Debian
Desktop Environment Xfce
Release date 15th December 2017

On loading MX Linux 17.0 for the first time, it shows MX Welcome App which includes links to various user documentations, forums and other applications shipped with MX Linux.

MX 17.0 uses a well customized Xfce4 desktop environment. One unique feature of this distribution is a vertical panel. All items in panel occupy their space effectively.

Thunar is default file manager is used in MX Linux. It also includes Midnight Commander - a text-based alternative file manager.

Xfce4 Terminal application is tweaked to show colorful output.

Alt + Tab window switching.

Mozilla Firefox is used as default web browser in MX Linux.

VLC Media Player.

Clementine Music Player.

LibreOffice Writer

GIMP Image Editor

MX Linux 17.0 uses almost 350 MB on idle state, which is quite expected from a distribution shipping Xfce4 desktop. It clear aligns with their claim as a midweight (between lightweight & heavy) distribution.

Xfce4 Task Manager showing resource usage graphically.

Synaptic Package Manager

Featherpad is a lightweight, tabbed, plain text editor written on Qt5.

The Xfce4 Settings Application includes various customization options provide by Xfce4 Desktop. Additionally, it also includes links to various tools shipped by MX team.

The MX Linux is shipped with various tools to manage your system. The MX Tool App is one place to access all tools provide by MX Linux team.

The MX Package Installer is a graphical package manager to install/uninstall various applications including proprietary applications.

The MX Boot Repair tool allows fixing various issues associated with the boot loader.

The MX Remaster Control Center allows you to create your own custom ISO so that, same configuration can be carried out to multiple systems without duplicating the configuration effort.

MX User Management

MX Menu Editor

MX Snapshot helps to backup system regularly

MX Codecs Installer provides option to install various restricted codecs that permit advanced video and audio functions.

The MX Tweak tool provides the option to customize look & feel of the operating system.

The MX System Info  - A command line tool that displays various system configurations.

MX Linux 17.0 includes various beautiful wallpapers

Shutdown Confirmation

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